Angel Tattoo

Tattooed Under Fire

Marisa Kakoulas at the brilliant tattoo designs Needles and Sins writes about Tattooed under Fire, a documentary by Nancy Schismatic on the tattoos — and lives — of soldiers at Fort Hood. The movie was formed long before yesterday’s mass gunfire and shall air on public TV station around the country beginning next week.

Fort Hood the largest US military facility in the world is a main center for soldiers being deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan and also houses the Army’s Warrior Combat Stress Reset Program, which helps soldiers deal with post-traumatic stress when they return.

In both cases, deployment and return home, soldiers work out heavy issues, and many seek tattooing as a way to articulate them or even see the procedure as therapy.

Tattooed under Fire documents the youth men and women at Fort Hood who seek comfort at the tattoo studio, confessing fears, expressing anger, sharing secrets, latest tattoos design and relaying personal war stories.

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